I'm sick ... still. I guess it's the "common cold" or whatever, but I've had it since Wednesday when all that crazy weather rolled into town. It's really no big deal, but when I had to work today as the "cold" traveled from my throat to my head as I was greeting 100+ people and acting all chipper and fired up for a work seminar, it was quite annoying. Thankfully, I work for a nutritionally based chiropractor, who was putting on the seminar, and he graciously adjusted my neck at the seminar. Now the mucus finally wants to come out of my nose, freeing up my brain so that I can actually comprehend Latin. Well as much as possible, anyway.
The seminar, as I'm calling it, really wasn't a seminar so much as the "Maximized Living Makeover" done twice a year through my chiropractor and the several others across the US that are a part of the same network/company/thing. It was quite an awesome morning. Along with the Makeover seminar goes a book, which holds the "30-day Makeover challenge" specifically for you and your life/body/thing. It really is amazing and I know several people whose lives have changed because of their decision to do the 30 days.
Anyway, check out the link and tell me what you think. I'm going to start Monday and if you guys do it too then we can hold each other accountable. Here is where you can pick the challenge you want to do.
I'll be posting when I can, even if it's only to update my progress, and tell you guys how I'm doing, especially if you're doing it too!
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