Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thank God the Holidays Are Over

Three more weeks until the spring semester begins. Usually I'm completely bored at this point, but I'm actually not. For once I am enjoying doing nothing but pleasing myself. It's quite a change, I must admit.

In the past I found myself wanting to be apart of the New Year's Eve festivities and never going anywhere, but this year I was actually invited to something but I declined. It has occurred to me that I may be completely off my rocker for declining, but I don't regret doing so. You see, here is my dilemma. I was invited to go out with some people that I grew up with. We grew up in church together since we were babies and then eventually most of us went to the same high school. Pretty much, we were inseparable. Well, we used to have almost everything in common back then, but now we don't. I haven't seen any of them in a year or more and today I got a text message asking if I wanted to join them for New Year festivities tonight. Well, I declined without even thinking twice about it. This is my main problem with holidays. Everyone always sees it as a time to reconnect with people from their past, but why holidays? I thought holidays were for current family and friends, not to make old connections just because it's a "special" time of year. But why not any other day of the year? No, they choose this one day, this stupid day, to talk to me because they think they have a reason. They have no reason. I mean, where do people get this stuff? I kind of see it as ruining my holiday when people who haven't talked to me in over a year just automatically assume I'm going to want to hang out with them on the biggest party night of the year. Really? No, I think it's them that's off their rockers. I mean, come on. That's freaking retarded.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Query

I recently bought the new Narnia movie, so my mom and I sat down to watch it last night. Well she hadn't watched the first one since it came out so we ended up watching both so she would know what was going on. We concluded our movie fest about 10:30pm and then I had an itch to write. I have already begun the sequal to Under the Full Moon so I worked on that. I got up at about 11:30pm to stretch a little and then I resumed writing. The next time I looked at the clock it was 2:00am. Needless to say, I had an awesome scene to write.
So after waking up around noon today, I managed to complete my second draft of Porfearia. I also sent off my first query letter! Of course, I don't expect a reply until after the second week in January because I am sure she is on vacation, but nonetheless I finally managed to get it the way I wanted. I hope I don't sound boring.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Who Cares!

I cannot say it enough: there is just not enough time in the day.
I find myself constantly busy these days and I absolutely love it because it keeps me focused. Focused on my own work, but not on my school work. Of course, I won't have any school work until January 21, but still, I won't be able to concentrate much then either. I find my writing is much more important to me than school these days. Repeatedly I find myself having the same conversation: my classes teach me nothing useful other than what dead guys think and believe. That is all fine and dandy, but what about what I think? Oh silly me, no one is interested in what I think. Oh but they will when I'm dead, that's for sure. So pretty much, my opinion and life won't matter until I'm dead, which is when I won't have a life anymore so ... the world is on crack. At least, that's my opinion.
But don't read this now, read this when I'm dead.

Ending Death Toll for Under the Full Moon:
1 human death turned into transformation
2 hunters killed because they killed the wrong person
1 human killed because I got bored
1 vamp killed because he killed the previous one
1 human killed for their blood
Total: 5/6

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two Down ... Infinity to Go

Turns out, I ended up splitting Under the Full Moon in half. I finished chapter six, halfway through the book I originally planned, last night and my word count was just over 85K. So times that by two and you get a lot of freaking words in one book. I planned for a sequal also, but it would be nowhere near the caliber of this novel. So I thought, why not have a trilogy instead? So I think I will. So pretty much, I just finished my second novel!

Now it's on to editing Porfearia, or finishing editing it I should say. Then I think I'm going to edit Under the Full Moon in January, getting it ready for Amazon's Novel competition in February.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I was having doubts about the title of my first novel. It was A Disease Without a Cure, but would people really remember that? It doesn't stand out very well and I've always thought that one word titles roll off the tongue easier and are more likely to be shared. So try this one on for size ... Porfearia ... my brother came up with it. Technically, my story is a spin off the "Vampire Disease," Porphyria. So, there we are. I really like it and the cover I made looks splendid.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Gift of Foresight

It's always difficult to know the future, or even to merely guess what will happen. I've always wanted the power of foresight, but now I'm not so sure. What if this is the happiest I'll ever be, compared to my future that is. I really hope not because, yes I love where I am at the present time, but I would also like something more.

I'm 20K away from my goal for Under the Full Moon. The funny thing, I've only completed four chapters out of twelve. It's definitely going to be way more than 100K, which is a lot more than I figured on. See what I mean about knowing the future? Silly me, thinking Andria and Evan can save the human world in only 100K. I must be nuts.

The current known death toll is one, but the full moon brought him back to life. Plenty of death and destruction to come though, don't you fret.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I added a word meter, which represents my progress of my second novel. So far, I'm hitting my daily goals with ease. I hope it stays that way.

I'm also right in the middle of editing my first novel - from NaNoWriMo - and it's going quite well I think. Now all I have to do is either establish some connections in the publishing world, or send out a query letter. Although I wouldn't do the second option until I was completely satisfied with The Disease Without a Cure.

That's my life right now.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The rest of December and the beginning of January are going to be slightly hectic for me. I just finished a job over this past weekend, which commanded my almost 24-hour attention. Then Sunday night and yesterday I finished critiquing two novels for some NaNo friends. And to think, finals were just over on Friday and I have already finished all of that. I haven't been that busy in a long time, but I liked it. Especially the critiquing part. Now, I'm going to concentrate on hitting my daily word count again so that I can hit my 100K goal by January, finally finishing my second novel. Other than that, I'll also be assisting to edit the novels I have just finished critiquing. They were both so amazing too. I just can't seem to get them out of my head. They both caused me to want to believe in love again, but I just can't seem to go that far. Interesting, I'm sure you're thinking. But that's right, I don't believe in love. Technically, I don't believe human emotions are capable to love the way it is supposed to be, but I do believe we love according to the earthly definition, not that I am very fond of it. Either way though, whatever makes you happy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Do I Connect? ... No.

I understand that people are who they are for certain reasons, whatever those reasons may be, but what happens when you don't fit correctly with anyone? And sure, I'm not going to connect with everyone I meet, but at least one guy would be nice - preferably a guy who gives me butterflies too. Is that asking too much? Really though, am I just so "different" from everyone else that it's just too difficult to find a right fit for me? I guess I can understand that, seeing as how I've always thought that my mind functions a lot differently than everyone else's. But I could be wrong there as well. Who's to really know? Hmm, I stumped myself on that one, that's for sure. I just want someone who not necessarily shares my passions, but just understands them. I also understand that I don't conform well to other people's passions either, but usually I find other people's interests to be a waste of time. I mean, really ... the world is pretty messed up and backwards if you think about it. But I'm a little tired of being the odd one out. I mean, where's my connecting puzzle piece?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Perfect Insanity - Evan

My eyes were so heavy I could barely tell what I was reading. I sat in the cafeteria before school, looking over my government notes one final time before I had to take the test in first period.
Even though I had stayed up all night studying, I still didn’t know the material well enough, but it would be enough to pass.

I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in and stared out the window I was facing, willing the bright sun to revive me. Next time I’ll have to remember I have a test.

I looked at the big clock near the ceiling to check the time. I better get to class.

Standing, I gathered my things off the table and stored them in my backpack. I turned around to push in my chair and that’s when I saw her.

She was walking down the main hall just as normal as ever, except that she had earphones in her ears. That may not be abnormal, but people usually use their out-of-class time wisely such as talking to their friends, but she didn’t greet anyone nor did she look at anyone. Her eyes were focused straight ahead, yet she seemed to be in another world. I’ve never seen a girl so enthralled by music that it keeps her from social interaction. But that wasn’t what caught my initial attention.

She was beautiful. Yes, a lot of girls are beautiful, especially the ones who try their hardest to be so, but she was a natural beauty.

Her skin was creamy, deathly white and her hair was a long, silky, deep black. Her face was round, the type of round that makes you want to cup your hands around the sides just for the feeling. Her entire body was slender, yet curvy. Her baggy black pants weren’t formfitting like her dark burgundy t-shirt, but they still flattered her.

Josh came up to me just then, causing me to look away from the beautiful creature.

“Evan. Ready for that Gov test?” He asked.

I looked back towards the hall, finding her almost immediately. “Who is that?” I asked Josh, not removing my focus.

Josh followed my gaze. “Uh, Andria Marcellus, I’m pretty sure. Dude, we’re gonna be late again.”

Andria Marcellus.

Josh and I walked out of the cafeteria and into the crowded main hallway. I looked for Andria, but apparently she was too far ahead and the crowd was too thick for me to see her.
I followed Josh into our government class, not being able to remove her from my thoughts. Not wanting to remove her from my thoughts.

Mr. Brown closed the door after us and immediately began handing out the test. I looked my copy of the test over and realized all my late night studying didn’t matter anymore. The only subject that
occupied my mind was Andria Marcellus.

I went to the restroom after I had finished the test. I thought splashing cold water on my face would allow me to regain a healthy frame of mind, one that didn’t revolve around a girl I had never actually met.

I stood over the sink, facing the mirror. My reflection was normal: white kid, almost six foot, green eyes, and short black hair. But my insides were squirming. I felt as if every feeling I was experiencing was clearly visible to everyone else, but I guess I was wrong. Although when I looked at myself I saw desperation. I had never needed or wanted anyone so desperately before, as desperately as I needed and wanted Andria.

I splashed water on my face and went to head out the door to my next class, but I knocked into someone I hadn’t known was there.

“Sorry man, I wasn’t paying attention,” I apologized. He didn’t seem to hear me nor did he seem to care that I had bumped into him. I realized I had never seen him before and he was definitely not a 40-year-old high school student. He also had the same eyes as Andria and that factor alone made me nervous. I tried to get around him and out the door but before I could he leaned toward me. I tried to back away, but he grabbed me by the shoulders.

The next thing I knew I was standing over the same sink I had been at moments before. Then I remembered I was going to class.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Under the Full Moon, Here I Come

Now that NaNo is over, I have time to get back to what I was working on before. Don't get me wrong though, I l-o-v-ed working on The Disease Without a Cure, but it is time to move on and let other people read my first draft while I go back to my first project. So my goal at the present time is to finish this novel as well. 100K is my goal, seeing as how I already have 50K and I'm not even halfway through. I mean seriously, each chapter is 50+ pages. Haha. I freaking LOVE this book. I really do. My characters are amazing and everyone's true personality is just starting to surface as the storyline heats itself up! Oooh I can't wait to see what happens!

I am also about to begin reading/critiquing/editing two other people's NaNo novels. I'm really excited about that because helping other people with their stories is my second favorite thing to do. So pretty much, that's what I'll be doing until the Spring semester.

BTW, the Fall semester is over! I only have one final and it is on Friday. Woopie!