Monday, November 24, 2008

Freakin' Insane

So you wanna know something? ... Life is freaking nuts ... and I'm not talking about the literal, physical nut you eat on an airplane (which, btw, they don't give out anymore unless you pay for them ... cheap bastards). But really, like is freakin' crazy. I remember telling myself one time that I loved the way my life, as a roller coaster, used to be the scariest yet most thrilling ride I had ever been on, but now that I am here in this place in my life I'm so freaking bored. Isn't that nuts? One day I'm a senior in high school, engaged, and the next I'm a Junior in college, single, writing a novel in a month. I don't know about you, but that's a lot of change in three years. Don't get me wrong though, I don't take back anything I have done because it has molded me into the person I am today, but I do wish that I had dragged my friends along the way. I used to have a "crew" and look at me now, I'm a freaking hermit with two friends who rarely hang out aside from study groups. It's true, we all have our own lives - I have my writing, friend one has her awesome job, and friend two has a kid. What more could I ask for? Lol, that wasn't a question that actually needed an answer. But seriously, freaking nuts, right?

So I'm sitting here in the black abyss that is my room, tucked under my new flannel sheets from LL Bean, and I'm thinking to myself ... how am I going to instigate a subplot into my novel without it sounding too cliche? Seriously, that's all I think about - NaNoWriMo. Please someone find me a boyfriend lol. Not really, I don't have time, but thanks anyway. I would just be super duper joyous if all of my friends moved to my town instead of living across the world. Thanks Santa, I'll leave that one to you.

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