Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Strawberry Daiquiri

Below you will find my newest recipe - Strawberry Daiquiri


Servings: 1


2 c. ice, crushed

4 medium fresh strawberries

¾ t. fresh lime juice

¾ t. fresh lemon juice

2 T. rum

1 T. club soda


  1. Combine 1 cup of ice and strawberries in blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Add remaining ingredients to blender. Blend slowly on low until completely mixed.
  3. Put the remaining ice in serving glass and pour daiquiri mixture over ice. Serve immediately.


  1. oh my gosh... that sounds incredible... I bet it tastes incredible too!

    how's If I Stay? are you enjoying it? have you finished it?
    I'm going on Sunday to go and get the new Hunger Game's book... very excited!

  2. If I Stay was really good! I enjoyed it. Couldn't put it down. Read it in a weekend while I was working haha. Good recommendation on your part ;)

  3. sounds great,,,I am a food analyst too......:)

  4. Hey! Stumbled upon your blog--I have frozen strawberries, so will try it minus the crushed ice. :-] did you know they are making The Hunger Games books into a movie? d'anne :-]

  5. Yummy! I am going to try that!!
