All right, I have some exciting news. Are you ready for it? .... I don't think you are, but I'm telling you anyway.
Drum roll please.
I'm partnering with my mom to ....... Write a Cookbook!! hahaha
Yeah, you weren't ready for that. I knew it.
Reasoning? Well, I've been in a writing slump for about 10 months now because of my current job. It takes all of my creativity out of me and I haven't found a solid way to get it back yet. Also, I've been on my own now (out of my parents' house, that is) for the better part of 5 months and ever since moving out, I've found my love of cooking. I experiment, try new things, but mostly I make meals out of left over ingredients that I didn't use in my single serving meal from the night before. I don't enjoy left overs so I just make one serving of the meal and use the left over ingredients for something else. It's quite inventive, if I do say so myself. Which I did! I am!
Now, I have questions for you all. Being the up and coming generation that you are, what are some of your favorite meals, snacks, drinks, etc? What I'm going to do to start with is get different ideas, make them, but make them healthier! Without losing the yumminess, of course.
So come on, it's your turn! Comment with your favorites!