Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Yearn For You, Creature From Hell

I hate neglecting my blog. It's quite terrible. I'm working a lot at work this week. At least, it feels as if I'm working a lot. The Maximized Living Makeover is this Saturday and I'm getting ready for that. We also hired a new girl to work the front desk with me so she is in the process of training. It's hard though. Mike (the office manager) and I were in such a great routine with each other that now the world is turned upside down again. I feel more right as to my position than I did when the last girl was working the front desk with me, but now I feel as if I have to babysit everything. I know Mike and I are dedicated to this job, but I wish everyone was. I'm starting to think that most people won't be, especially if it's inconvenient for them.

I'm so tired. Is that complaining? No, it's just a fact. I'm exhausted. I have a yearning to write some of The Great Funnel tonight and I think I will. Let me clean up my laundry from, oh, last week, and maybe I'll be able to hash out some chapters tonight and post an excerpt tomorrow. Cross your fingers. I'm so behind on house work.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow it sounds like your working major time! I'd also be exhausted! I hope you get much needed rest and I'll be looking forward to The Great Funnel excerpt =)
    oh and thank you for becoming a follower on my stories blog =D I'm still deciding what story to post on it!
